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HomeCall for Papers

Journal of Creation Theology and Science Series B: Life Sciences

Special Issue: Symbiosis and Relationship

Call for Papers

The editorial board of JCTSB is planning to publish a special issue in 2013 with the theme of Symbiosis and Relationship.  Papers suitable for this issue could review in detail an example of symbiosis, provide a baraminological analysis of a symbiotic relationship, or discuss the philosophy or theology of symbiosis and relationship.  Any other work that relates to this theme will be considered.  Each paper should be written according to the standard JCTSB formatting requirements.

We invite researchers to submit appropriate papers via the User Home Page of the JCTSB website ( upon registering with the journal.  Questions should be addressed to Roger Sanders (  To be considered for the special issue, the deadline for submissions is January 31, 2013. Submissions will be sent to a minimum of two reviewers, per normal editorial procedures.

JCTSB:  The Journal of Creation Theology and Science Series B: Life Sciences is edited and published by the Creation Biology Society.  The journal serves as the outlet of technical research, reviews, and opinions of relevance to young-age creationist biology.  As a young-age creationist journal, all submissions must be favorable to or at least respectful of creationism.