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HomeOccasional Paper 6

The Flores Skeleton and Human Baraminology

Kurt P. Wise
Occas. Papers of the BSG No. 6, pp. 1-13
©2005 BSG.


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The morphology, age, and stratrigraphic relations of the recently described Homo floresiensis skeleton suggests it might represent a distinct post-Babel human population with an extreme morphology. Combined with the morphologies and relative ages of other post-Babel humans (e.g. H. erectus, H. neanderthalensis), H. floresiensis suggests a high post-Flood intrabaraminic diversification rate decreasing to the present. This coincides in time with a similar pattern in non-humans, suggesting the mechanism of intrabaraminic diversification operated across all living organisms. The fact that many of the differences in fossil human morphologies can be achieved by differential development and the changes seem to be isochronous with the Biblically-evidenced decrease in human longevity suggests that human diversification may have been due to changes in development. These changes in humans probably followed pre-programmed trajectories through biological character space, the specific course of which may have been largely effected by founder effect and genetic drift in small populations following Babel.