About Us: Historical Context of Views
The intellectual heritage of baraminology stretches back to
Aristotle. Aristotle believed that for knowledge and science to be
possible, the subjects of science (the things that are known) must be
immutable, for if change was possible, then what you "know" today would
be invalid tomorrow. This idea, along with many others, was married to
Christian theology through the efforts of Aquinas and other medieval
theologians. At the time of Linnaeus, scientists applied this
theological thinking to the study of living organisms and developed the
idea that biological species must be immutable. Linnaeus accepted
species fixity not because a careful reading of the Bible revealed it
to him. Rather, Linnaeus advocated species fixity because of the
Aristotelian bias of his intellectual heritage. Essentialist species
fixity is an Aristotelian concept. It is important to note here that as
Linnaeus neared the end of his life, he began to doubt species fixity.
As he struggled with interspecific hybridization in particular, he
began to suspect that genera rather than species were fixed in the
strict Aristotelian sense.
The late 18th and early 19th
centuries were contentious times for biosystematics as transformism
became more and more popular. Cuvier followed Linnaeus in believing in
species fixity, and he argued against transformism using the
Aristotelian idea of the impossibility of biology if species could
transform. Transformists such as Lamarck and Geoffroy tried to
demonstrate that species could bring forth new species, but they did
not provide a convincing mechanism. Lamarck relied on a vitalist force
that responded to the organism's need, and Geoffroy tried to
demonstrate the existence of morphological laws that govern the
emergence of new species. A transformist mechanism that would capture
the imagination of nearly every scientist was finally provided by
Darwin and Wallace. Very quickly after Darwin's Origin, natural
historians shifted from belief in the immutability of separately
created species to the universal relatedness of all species.
even Christian biologists conceded to the intellectual force of Darwin,
resistance to evolution fell to a handful of theologians and laypeople
until the 1940's. In 1941, Frank Lewis Marsh published a small book
titled Fundamental Biology. In it, Marsh did something quite
unique. He freely admitted the reality of speciation and transformism,
but he also rejected the universal evolutionary tree. Instead, Marsh
theorized that God had created a number of "kinds" in the beginning,
and from those original "kinds" our modern species have descended. To
Marsh, the transformation of one species into another is possible, but
only within divinely-mandated limits. Marsh coined the word baramin
to describe his "created kinds." Baramin comes from two Hebrew words,
bara meaning "create" and min meaning "kind." We may think of Marsh's
baramin concept as a set of species descended from an
originally-created ancestral population.
Marsh spent most of
his life promoting the baramin concept among his fellow creationists.
In the 1970's and early 1980's, Siegler and Jones produced a short
series of papers in the Creation Research Society Quarterly that built on Marsh's ideas. In 1990, modern baraminology was begun by Walter ReMine and Kurt Wise.
Their aim was to develop methods and criteria to identify phylogenetic
discontinuities among groups of species. While ReMine proposed only
criteria that he hoped would be acceptable to evolutionary biologists,
Wise focused baraminology as a young-earth biosystematics method. Both
these authors conceived the baramin in a phylogenetic context.
Baraminology Study Group (BSG) was begun in 1996 as an email discussion
group consisting of graduate students, college professors, and
interested specialists. Topics of those early discussions ranged from
the history of creationist systematics, to the methods of baraminology,
to the Biblical meaning of min, to the theoretical definition
of a baramin. Because of the phylogenetic history of any and all groups
can never be known, the BSG (2003) developed a refined baramin concept based on multidimensional character space. The BSG held its first meeting
at Bryan College in 1997 with six in attendance (Kurt Wise, Todd Wood,
Ashley Robinson, David Cavanaugh, Neal Doran, and Dave Fouts). The
meeting consisted largely of presentations of research and general
discussion on both baraminology methodology and education. In 1999, the
BSG held its first conference at Liberty University with 25 in attendance. Presentations included
theory and methodology. Subsequent conferences have focused on a variety of topics relevant to creationist biology.